How to Draw a Man Shooting a Baseball
(drô)v. drew (dro͞o), drawn (drôn), draw·ing, draws
v. tr.
a. To cause to move after or toward one by applying continuous force; drag: drew the chair closer to the table; a team of horses drawing a wagon. See Synonyms at pull.
b. To cause to move in a given direction or to a given position, as by leading: The teacher drew the children into the room to see the decorations.
c. To move or pull so as to cover or uncover something: draw the curtains.
2. To cause to flow forth: a pump drawing water; a blow that drew blood.
3. To suck or take in (air, for example); inhale.
4. To require (a specified depth of water) for floating: a boat drawing 18 inches.
5. To take or pull out: drew a gun from beneath the counter; drew out a fat wallet.
a. To extract or take for one's own use: draw strength from one's friends.
b. To make (tea) by steeping.
7. To eviscerate; disembowel: a traitor to the king who was drawn and quartered.
a. To cause to come by attracting; attract: afraid the casino will draw undesirable elements to the town.
b. To select or take in from a given group, type, or region: draw clients from all levels of society.
9. To bring to a certain condition or action; lead: drawn to despair; drew them to resign.
10. To bring about deliberately; provoke: draw enemy fire; draw a penalty on an opponent.
11. To evoke as a response; elicit: a performance that drew jeers from the audience.
12. To earn; gain: deposits that draw interest at a rate of 5 percent.
a. To withdraw (money).
b. To use (a check, for example) when paying.
c. To receive on a regular basis or at a specified time: draw a pension.
14. To take or receive by chance: draw lots.
15. Games
a. To take (cards) from a dealer or central stack.
b. To force (a card) to be played.
16. To end or leave (a contest) tied or undecided.
17. Sports
a. To hit or strike (a billiard ball, for example) so as to give it backspin.
b. To hit (a golf ball) with a draw.
a. To make tense or taut: drew the rope across the ravine.
b. To pull back the string of (a bow).
c. To distort the shape of: He drew his face into a scowl.
a. To flatten, stretch, or mold (metal) by hammering or die stamping.
b. To shape or elongate (a wire, for example) by pulling through dies.
a. To inscribe (a line or lines) with a pencil or other marking implement.
b. To make a likeness of on a surface, using mostly lines; depict with lines: drew a map of the area; drawing landscapes and still lifes.
c. To portray in writing or speech; depict with words: draws moving scenes of ghetto life.
21. To formulate or devise from evidence or data at hand: draw a comparison.
22. To compose or write out in legal format: draw a deed.
v. intr.
1. To proceed or move steadily: a ship drawing near the shore.
2. To attract customers or spectators: The new play is drawing well.
3. To pour forth liquid: The patient's veins don't draw easily.
4. To cause suppuration.
5. To take in a draft of air: The flue isn't drawing.
6. To steep in or as if in the manner of tea.
7. To pull out a weapon for use.
8. To use or call upon part of a fund or supply: drawing on an account; drew from the experience of fellow workers.
9. To contract or tighten: material that draws when it dries.
10. To conclude a contest without either side winning; tie: The chess players drew in 32 moves.
11. To make a likeness with lines on a surface; sketch.
a. An act of drawing.
b. The result of drawing.
2. Something drawn, especially a lot, card, or cards drawn at random.
3. Sports & Games
a. The arrangement of competitors in a tournament in which the matchups are made at random.
b. A matchup or opponent in such a tournament.
4. An inhalation, especially through a pipe or other smoking implement.
5. One that attracts interest, customers, or spectators: a singer who is a popular draw.
6. The movable part of a drawbridge.
7. A special advantage; an edge: have the draw on one's enemies.
8. A contest ending without either side winning.
9. A small natural depression that water drains into; a shallow gully.
10. Football A play in which the quarterback drops back as if to pass and then runs or hands off to a running back.
11. Sports A face-off.
a. Games A draw shot.
b. Sports A moderate, usually controlled hook in golf.
draw away
To move ahead of competitors.
draw down
1. To reduce or deplete by consuming or spending: drew down our food reserves.
2. To reduce (military forces in a specific deployment).
draw on
To approach: as evening draws on.
draw out
1. To prolong; protract.
2. To induce to speak freely: managed to draw the shy child out.
draw up
1. To compose or write in a set form; write out: draw up a contract; draw up a list.
2. To bring (troops, for example) into order.
3. To bring or come to a halt.
4. To bring (oneself) into an erect posture, often as an expression of dignity or indignation.
5. Chiefly Southern US To shrink when washed. Used of clothes.
draw a blank
To fail to find or remember something.
draw and quarter
1. To execute (a prisoner) by tying each limb to a horse and driving the horses in different directions.
2. To disembowel and dismember after hanging.
3. Informal To punish severely: The teenager was drawn and quartered for wrecking the family's only car.
draw straws
To decide by a lottery with straws of unequal lengths.
draw the line
1. To decide firmly an arbitrary boundary between two things: "Where do you draw the line between your own decisions and those of your superiors?" (Robert Marion).
2. To decide firmly the limit of what one will tolerate or participate in: The officer committed fraud but drew the line at blackmail.
[Middle English drauen, from Old English dragan.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
(drɔː)vb, draws, drawing, drew or drawn
1. to cause (a person or thing) to move towards or away by pulling
2. to bring, take, or pull (something) out, as from a drawer, holster, etc
3. (tr) to extract or pull or take out: to draw teeth; to draw a card from a pack.
4. (Brewing) (often foll by: off) to take (liquid) out of a cask, keg, tank, etc, by means of a tap
5. (intr) to move, go, or proceed, esp in a specified direction: to draw alongside.
6. (tr) to attract or elicit: to draw a crowd; draw attention.
7. (tr) to cause to flow: to draw blood.
8. to depict or sketch (a form, figure, picture, etc) in lines, as with a pencil or pen, esp without the use of colour; delineate
9. (tr) to make, formulate, or derive: to draw conclusions, comparisons, parallels.
10. (Law) (tr) to write (a legal document) in proper form
11. (sometimes foll by: in) to suck or take in (air, liquid, etc): to draw a breath.
12. (intr) to induce or allow a draught to carry off air, smoke, etc: the flue draws well.
13. (tr) to take or receive from a source: to draw money from the bank.
14. (tr) to earn: draw interest.
15. (Banking & Finance) (tr) finance to write out (a bill of exchange or promissory note): to draw a cheque.
16. (tr) to choose at random: to draw lots.
17. (Metallurgy) (tr) to reduce the diameter of (a wire or metal rod) by pulling it through a die
18. (Mechanical Engineering) (tr) to shape (a sheet of metal or glass) by rolling, by pulling it through a die, or by stretching
19. (Archery) archery to bend (a bow) by pulling the string
20. (Cookery) to steep (tea) or (of tea) to steep in boiling water
21. (Cookery) (tr) to disembowel: draw a chicken.
22. (Medicine) (tr) to cause (pus, blood, etc) to discharge from an abscess or wound
23. (General Sporting Terms) (intr) (of two teams, contestants, etc) to finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc; tie
24. (Card Games) (tr) bridge whist to keep leading a suit in order to force out (all outstanding cards)
25. (Bridge) draw trumps bridge whist to play the trump suit until the opponents have none left
26. (Billiards & Snooker) (tr) billiards to cause (the cue ball) to spin back after a direct impact with another ball by applying backspin when making the stroke
27. (Hunting) (tr) to search (a place) in order to find wild animals, game, etc, for hunting
28. (Golf) golf to cause (a golf ball) to move with a controlled right-to-left trajectory or (of a golf ball) to veer gradually from right to left
29. (Curling) (tr) curling to deliver (the stone) gently
30. (Nautical Terms) (tr) nautical (of a vessel) to require (a certain depth) in which to float
31. draw a blank to get no results from something
32. (Law) draw and quarter to disembowel and dismember (a person) after hanging
33. (Cricket) draw stumps cricket to close play, as by pulling out the stumps
34. draw the line See line1 51
36. (Bowls & Bowling) draw the shot bowls to deliver the bowl in such a way that it approaches the jack
37. the act of drawing
38. (Banking & Finance) US a sum of money advanced to finance anticipated expenses
39. an event, occasion, act, etc, that attracts a large audience
40. a raffle or lottery
41. something taken or chosen at random, as a ticket in a raffle or lottery
42. (General Sporting Terms) a contest or game ending in a tie
43. (Physical Geography) US and Canadian a small natural drainage way or gully
44. (Metallurgy) a defect found in metal castings due to the contraction of the metal on solidification
[Old English dragan; related to Old Norse draga; Old Frisian draga, Old Saxon dragan, Old High German tragan to carry]
ˈdrawable adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(drɔ) v. drew, drawn, draw•ing,
n. v.t.
1. to cause to move in a particular direction by or as if by a pulling force; pull; drag (often fol. by along, away, in, out, or off).
2. to pull down or over so as to cover, or to pull up or aside so as to uncover: Draw the curtain. He drew the blanket over him.
3. to bring, take, or pull out, as from a receptacle or source: to draw water from a well; to draw blood from a vein.
4. to bring toward oneself or itself, as by inherent force; attract: The sale drew large crowds.
5. to sketch, render, or trace (figures or objects), as with lines or tones: to draw a vase with charcoal.
6. to compose or create (a picture) with lines, tones, or color.
7. to depict or delineate, as with words: to draw a character with skill and humor.
8. to mark or lay out; trace: to draw perpendicular lines.
9. to frame or formulate: to draw a distinction.
10. to write out in legal form (sometimes fol. by up): Draw up the contract.
11. to inhale or suck in: to draw liquid through a straw.
12. to derive or use: to draw strength from prayer.
13. to deduce; infer: to draw a conclusion.
14. to get, take, or receive: to draw a salary of $600 a week.
15. to withdraw (funds) from an account.
16. to write (a check) so as to take money from an account (often fol. by on or against).
17. to produce; bring in: The deposits draw interest.
18. to disembowel: to draw a turkey.
19. to pull out to full or greater length; stretch: to draw filaments of molten glass.
20. to bend by pulling back the string in preparation for shooting an arrow: to draw a bow.
a. to choose or have assigned to one by or as if by lottery: to draw kitchen duty.
b. to pick unseen or at random, as from among marked slips of paper or numbered tickets: to draw straws to see who wins.
22. Metalworking. to form or reduce the sectional area of (a wire, tube, etc.) by pulling through a die.
23. to wrinkle or shrink by contraction.
24. Med. to cause to discharge: to draw an abscess by a poultice.
25. (of a vessel) to need (a specific depth of water) to float.
26. to finish (a contest) with neither side winning; tie.
a. to take or be dealt (a playing card or cards) from the pack.
b. (in bridge) to remove the outstanding cards in (a suit) by leading.
28. (in billiards) to cause (a cue ball) to recoil after impact by administering a backward spin on the stroke.
29. to steep (tea) in boiling water.
v.i.30. to exert a pulling, moving, or attracting force.
31. to move or pass, esp. slowly or continuously, as under a pulling force: The day draws near.
32. to take out a sword, pistol, etc., for action.
33. to hold a drawing, lottery, or the like: to draw for prizes.
34. to sketch or to trace figures; create a picture or depict an image by drawing.
35. to be skilled in or practice the art of drawing.
36. to shrink or contract (often fol. by up).
37. to make a demand (usu. fol. by on or upon): to draw on one's imagination.
a. to act as an irritant; cause blisters.
b. to cause blood, pus, or the like to gather at a specific point.
39. to produce or permit a draft, as a flue.
40. to leave a contest undecided; tie.
41. to attract customers, an audience, etc.
42. to pull back the string of a bow in preparation for shooting an arrow.
43. draw away,
a. to move away.
b. to move farther ahead: One runner drew away from the pack.
44. draw in,
a. to cause to take part or enter, esp. unwittingly: This is your fight; don't draw me in.
b. to make a sketch or drawing of: to draw in a human figure against the landscape.
45. draw off, to move back or away.
46. draw on,
a. to come nearer; approach: Winter was drawing on.
b. to clothe oneself in: to draw on one's gloves.
c. to utilize or make use of, esp. as a source: The article draws heavily on gossip.
47. draw out,
a. to pull out; remove.
b. to prolong.
c. to persuade to speak.
d. to take (money) from a place of deposit.
48. draw up,
a. to draft, esp. in legal form or as a formal proposal.
b. to put into position; arrange in order or formation.
c. to bring or come to a stop; halt: The bus drew up at the curb.
49. an act of drawing.
50. something that attracts customers, an audience, etc.
51. something that is moved by being drawn, as the movable part of a drawbridge.
52. something that is chosen or drawn at random, as a lot or chance.
54. a contest that ends in a tie.
55. Also called draw play. a football play in which the quarterback fades as if to pass and then hands the ball to a back who is running toward the line of scrimmage.
b. (in poker) a card or cards taken or dealt from the pack.
a. a small, natural drainageway with a shallow bed; gully.
b. the dry bed of a stream.
c. Chiefly Western U.S. a coulee; ravine.
58. the pull necessary to draw a bow to its full extent.
Idioms:1. beat to the draw, to react more quickly than (an opponent).
2. draw oneself up, to assume an erect posture.
[before 900; Old English dragan; c. Old Norse draga to draw, Old High German tragan to carry; compare drag]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
- The billiard ball's recoil after impact.See also related terms for impact.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
Past participle: drawn
Gerund: drawing
Imperative |
draw |
draw |
Present |
I draw |
you draw |
he/she/it draws |
we draw |
you draw |
they draw |
Preterite |
I drew |
you drew |
he/she/it drew |
we drew |
you drew |
they drew |
Present Continuous |
I am drawing |
you are drawing |
he/she/it is drawing |
we are drawing |
you are drawing |
they are drawing |
Present Perfect |
I have drawn |
you have drawn |
he/she/it has drawn |
we have drawn |
you have drawn |
they have drawn |
Past Continuous |
I was drawing |
you were drawing |
he/she/it was drawing |
we were drawing |
you were drawing |
they were drawing |
Past Perfect |
I had drawn |
you had drawn |
he/she/it had drawn |
we had drawn |
you had drawn |
they had drawn |
Future |
I will draw |
you will draw |
he/she/it will draw |
we will draw |
you will draw |
they will draw |
Future Perfect |
I will have drawn |
you will have drawn |
he/she/it will have drawn |
we will have drawn |
you will have drawn |
they will have drawn |
Future Continuous |
I will be drawing |
you will be drawing |
he/she/it will be drawing |
we will be drawing |
you will be drawing |
they will be drawing |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been drawing |
you have been drawing |
he/she/it has been drawing |
we have been drawing |
you have been drawing |
they have been drawing |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been drawing |
you will have been drawing |
he/she/it will have been drawing |
we will have been drawing |
you will have been drawing |
they will have been drawing |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been drawing |
you had been drawing |
he/she/it had been drawing |
we had been drawing |
you had been drawing |
they had been drawing |
Conditional |
I would draw |
you would draw |
he/she/it would draw |
we would draw |
you would draw |
they would draw |
Past Conditional |
I would have drawn |
you would have drawn |
he/she/it would have drawn |
we would have drawn |
you would have drawn |
they would have drawn |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
1. Play in which the quarterback drops back to feign pass then hands the ball to a running back.
2. A hook executed deliberately.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
1. A small creek or gully.
2. The capability of the hot air escaping up a chimney from a stove to produce a draft and "draw" more air into the stove.
3. The difference between the outside circumference of the wooden wagon or buggy wheel and the inside circumference of iron tire to be placed on it.
1001 Words and Phrases You Never Knew You Didn't Know by W.R. Runyan Copyright © 2011 by W.R. Runyan
Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:
Noun | 1. | draw - a gully that is shallower than a ravine gully - deep ditch cut by running water (especially after a prolonged downpour) |
2. | ![]() attracter, attractor, drawing card, attraction entertainer - a person who tries to please or amuse | |
3. | draw - the finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided; "the game ended in a draw"; "their record was 3 wins, 6 losses and a tie" standoff, tie finish - designated event that concludes a contest (especially a race); "excitement grew as the finish neared"; "my horse was several lengths behind at the finish"; "the winner is the team with the most points at the finish" dead heat - a tie in a race stalemate - drawing position in chess: any of a player's possible moves would place his king in check | |
4. | draw - anything (straws or pebbles etc.) taken or chosen at random; "the luck of the draw"; "they drew lots for it" lot object, physical object - a tangible and visible entity; an entity that can cast a shadow; "it was full of rackets, balls and other objects" | |
5. | draw - a playing card or cards dealt or taken from the pack; "he got a pair of kings in the draw" playing card - one of a pack of cards that are used to play card games | |
6. | draw - a golf shot that curves to the left for a right-handed golfer; "he took lessons to cure his hooking" hooking, hook golf shot, golf stroke, swing - the act of swinging a golf club at a golf ball and (usually) hitting it | |
7. | draw - (American football) the quarterback moves back as if to pass and then hands the ball to the fullback who is running toward the line of scrimmage draw play American football, American football game - a game played by two teams of 11 players on a rectangular field 100 yards long; teams try to get possession of the ball and advance it across the opponents goal line in a series of (running or passing) plays running, running game, running play, run - (American football) a play in which a player attempts to carry the ball through or past the opposing team; "the defensive line braced to stop the run"; "the coach put great emphasis on running" | |
8. | draw - poker in which a player can discard cards and receive substitutes from the dealer; "he played only draw and stud" draw poker poker game, poker - any of various card games in which players bet that they hold the highest-ranking hand | |
9. | ![]() haul, haulage pull, pulling - the act of pulling; applying force to move something toward or with you; "the pull up the hill had him breathing harder"; "his strenuous pulling strained his back" tow, towage - the act of hauling something (as a vehicle) by means of a hitch or rope; "the truck gave him a tow to the garage" | |
Verb | 1. | draw - cause to move by pulling; "draw a wagon"; "pull a sled" pull, force twitch - move or pull with a sudden motion pull back - move to a rearward position; pull towards the back; "Pull back your arms!" adduct - draw a limb towards the body; "adduct the thigh muscle" abduct - pull away from the body; "this muscle abducts" stretch - pull in opposite directions; "During the Inquisition, the torturers would stretch their victims on a rack" pluck, plunk, pick - pull lightly but sharply with a plucking motion; "he plucked the strings of his mandolin" tug - pull or strain hard at; "Each oar was tugged by several men" drag - pull, as against a resistance; "He dragged the big suitcase behind him"; "These worries were dragging at him" cart, haul, drag, hale - draw slowly or heavily; "haul stones"; "haul nets" attract, pull in, draw in, pull, draw - direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes; "Her good looks attract the stares of many men"; "The ad pulled in many potential customers"; "This pianist pulls huge crowds"; "The store owner was happy that the ad drew in many new customers" jerk, yank - pull, or move with a sudden movement; "He turned the handle and jerked the door open" winch - pull or lift up with or as if with a winch; "winch up the slack line" pluck, pull off, tweak, pick off - pull or pull out sharply; "pluck the flowers off the bush" pull - apply force so as to cause motion towards the source of the motion; "Pull the rope"; "Pull the handle towards you"; "pull the string gently"; "pull the trigger of the gun"; "pull your knees towards your chin" move, displace - cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense; "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant" pull, draw - cause to move in a certain direction by exerting a force upon, either physically or in an abstract sense; "A declining dollar pulled down the export figures for the last quarter" |
2. | draw - get or derive; "He drew great benefits from his membership in the association" reap draw - elicit responses, such as objections, criticism, applause, etc.; "The President's comments drew sharp criticism from the Republicans"; "The comedian drew a lot of laughter" gain, derive - obtain; "derive pleasure from one's garden" | |
3. | ![]() trace, describe, line, delineate mark - make or leave a mark on; "the scouts marked the trail"; "ash marked the believers' foreheads" construct - draw with suitable instruments and under specified conditions; "construct an equilateral triangle" inscribe - draw within a figure so as to touch in as many places as possible circumscribe - draw a line around; "He drew a circle around the points" circumscribe - to draw a geometric figure around another figure so that the two are in contact but do not intersect draw - engage in drawing; "He spent the day drawing in the garden" draw - represent by making a drawing of, as with a pencil, chalk, etc. on a surface; "She drew an elephant"; "Draw me a horse" write - mark or trace on a surface; "The artist wrote Chinese characters on a big piece of white paper"; "Russian is written with the Cyrillic alphabet" | |
4. | draw - make, formulate, or derive in the mind; "I draw a line here"; "draw a conclusion"; "draw parallels"; "make an estimate"; "What do you make of his remarks?" make make - calculate as being; "I make the height about 100 feet" create by mental act, create mentally - create mentally and abstractly rather than with one's hands | |
5. | draw - bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover; "draw a weapon"; "pull out a gun"; "The mugger pulled a knife on his victim" pull out, get out, pull, take out remove, take away, withdraw, take - remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract; "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment" pull - take away; "pull the old soup cans from the supermarket shelf" extract, pull out, pull up, draw out, take out, pull - remove, usually with some force or effort; also used in an abstract sense; "pull weeds"; "extract a bad tooth"; "take out a splinter"; "extract information from the telegram" unsheathe - draw from a sheath or scabbard; "the knight unsheathed his sword" draw, take out - take liquid out of a container or well; "She drew water from the barrel" | |
6. | draw - represent by making a drawing of, as with a pencil, chalk, etc. on a surface; "She drew an elephant"; "Draw me a horse" artistic creation, artistic production, art - the creation of beautiful or significant things; "art does not need to be innovative to be good"; "I was never any good at art"; "he said that architecture is the art of wasting space beautifully" trace, describe, draw, line, delineate - make a mark or lines on a surface; "draw a line"; "trace the outline of a figure in the sand" interpret, represent - create an image or likeness of; "The painter represented his wife as a young girl" pencil - write, draw, or trace with a pencil; "he penciled a figure" limn, outline, delineate - trace the shape of rule - mark or draw with a ruler; "rule the margins" chalk - write, draw, or trace with chalk project - draw a projection of crayon - write, draw, or trace with a crayon checker, chequer, check - mark into squares or draw squares on; draw crossed lines on charcoal - draw, trace, or represent with charcoal doodle - make a doodle; draw aimlessly diagram, plot - make a schematic or technical drawing of that shows interactions among variables or how something is constructed cartoon - draw cartoons of fill in, shade - represent the effect of shade or shadow on chalk out, sketch - make a sketch of; "sketch the building" | |
7. | draw - take liquid out of a container or well; "She drew water from the barrel" take out remove, take away, withdraw, take - remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract; "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment" milk - take milk from female mammals; "Cows need to be milked every morning" pump - draw or pour with a pump siphon, siphon off, syphon - convey, draw off, or empty by or as if by a siphon sluice - draw through a sluice; "sluice water" tap - draw (liquor) from a tap; "tap beer in a bar" suck - draw something in by or as if by a vacuum; "Mud was sucking at her feet" rack - draw off from the lees; "rack wine" deglycerolise, deglycerolize - remove from glycerol pull out, draw, get out, pull, take out - bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover; "draw a weapon"; "pull out a gun"; "The mugger pulled a knife on his victim" draw off, take out, withdraw, draw - remove (a commodity) from (a supply source); "She drew $2,000 from the account"; "The doctors drew medical supplies from the hospital's emergency bank" draw - allow a draft; "This chimney draws very well" educe, elicit, evoke, extract, draw out - deduce (a principle) or construe (a meaning); "We drew out some interesting linguistic data from the native informant" | |
8. | draw - give a description of; "He drew an elaborate plan of attack" describe, depict represent - describe or present, usually with respect to a particular quality; "He represented this book as an example of the Russian 19th century novel" delineate - describe in vivid detail exposit, set forth, expound - state; "set forth one's reasons" adumbrate, outline, sketch - describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of; "sketch the outline of the book"; "outline his ideas" | |
9. | draw - select or take in from a given group or region; "The participants in the experiment were drawn from a representative population" choose, pick out, select, take - pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives; "Take any one of these cards"; "Choose a good husband for your daughter"; "She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her" | |
10. | draw - elicit responses, such as objections, criticism, applause, etc.; "The President's comments drew sharp criticism from the Republicans"; "The comedian drew a lot of laughter" arouse, elicit, evoke, provoke, enkindle, kindle, fire, raise - call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses); "arouse pity"; "raise a smile"; "evoke sympathy" draw, reap - get or derive; "He drew great benefits from his membership in the association" | |
11. | draw - suck in or take (air); "draw a deep breath"; "draw on a cigarette" puff, drag breathe in, inhale, inspire - draw in (air); "Inhale deeply"; "inhale the fresh mountain air"; "The patient has trouble inspiring"; "The lung cancer patient cannot inspire air very well" | |
12. | draw - move or go steadily or gradually; "The ship drew near the shore" go, locomote, move, travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast" | |
13. | ![]() draw off, take out, withdraw remove, take away, withdraw, take - remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract; "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment" draw, take out - take liquid out of a container or well; "She drew water from the barrel" cheque, check out - withdraw money by writing a check dip - take a small amount from; "I had to dip into my savings to buy him this present" hive off, divert - withdraw (money) and move into a different location, often secretly and with dishonest intentions overdraw - draw more money from than is available; "She overdrew her account" tap - draw from or dip into to get something; "tap one's memory"; "tap a source of money" disinvest, divest - reduce or dispose of; cease to hold (an investment); "The company decided to divest"; "the board of trustees divested $20 million in real estate property"; "There was pressure on the university to disinvest in South Africa" | |
14. | draw - choose at random; "draw a card"; "cast lots" cast move, go - have a turn; make one's move in a game; "Can I go now?" | |
15. | draw - earn or achieve a base by being walked by the pitcher; "He drew a base on balls" get baseball, baseball game - a ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players; teams take turns at bat trying to score runs; "he played baseball in high school"; "there was a baseball game on every empty lot"; "there was a desire for National League ball in the area"; "play ball!" effect, effectuate, set up - produce; "The scientists set up a shock wave" | |
16. | draw - bring or lead someone to a certain action or condition; "She was drawn to despair"; "The President refused to be drawn into delivering an ultimatum"; "The session was drawn to a close" alter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue" | |
17. | draw - cause to flow; "The nurse drew blood" draw - cause to localize at one point; "Draw blood and pus" remove, take away, withdraw, take - remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract; "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment" | |
18. | draw - write a legal document or paper; "The deed was drawn in the lawyer's office" indite, pen, write, compose - produce a literary work; "She composed a poem"; "He wrote four novels" draw up, frame, compose - make up plans or basic details for; "frame a policy" | |
19. | draw - engage in drawing; "He spent the day drawing in the garden" trace, describe, draw, line, delineate - make a mark or lines on a surface; "draw a line"; "trace the outline of a figure in the sand" create - pursue a creative activity; be engaged in a creative activity; "Don't disturb him--he is creating" | |
20. | draw - move or pull so as to cover or uncover something; "draw the shades"; "draw the curtains" close, shut - move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut; "Close the door"; "shut the window" | |
21. | draw - allow a draft; "This chimney draws very well" draw, take out - take liquid out of a container or well; "She drew water from the barrel" be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer" | |
22. | draw - require a specified depth for floating; "This boat draws 70 inches" necessitate, need, require, call for, demand, postulate, involve, ask, take - require as useful, just, or proper; "It takes nerve to do what she did"; "success usually requires hard work"; "This job asks a lot of patience and skill"; "This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice"; "This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert"; "This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent" | |
23. | draw - pull (a person) apart with four horses tied to his extremities, so as to execute him; "in the old days, people were drawn and quartered for certain crimes" draw and quarter, quarter kill - cause to die; put to death, usually intentionally or knowingly; "This man killed several people when he tried to rob a bank"; "The farmer killed a pig for the holidays" | |
24. | draw - cause to move in a certain direction by exerting a force upon, either physically or in an abstract sense; "A declining dollar pulled down the export figures for the last quarter" pull draw, pull, force - cause to move by pulling; "draw a wagon"; "pull a sled" move, displace - cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense; "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant" | |
25. | ![]() imbibe, soak up, sop up, suck up, absorb, suck, take up, take in mop, mop up, wipe up - to wash or wipe with or as if with a mop; "Mop the hallway now"; "He mopped her forehead with a towel" blot - dry (ink) with blotting paper sponge up - absorb as if with a sponge; "sponge up the spilled milk on the counter" suck in, draw in - draw in as if by suction; "suck in your cheeks and stomach" attract, pull in, draw in, pull, draw - direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes; "Her good looks attract the stares of many men"; "The ad pulled in many potential customers"; "This pianist pulls huge crowds"; "The store owner was happy that the ad drew in many new customers" | |
26. | ![]() attract, pull in, draw in, pull draw, pull, force - cause to move by pulling; "draw a wagon"; "pull a sled" tug - pull hard; "The prisoner tugged at the chains"; "This movie tugs at the heart strings" arrest, catch, get - attract and fix; "His look caught her"; "She caught his eye"; "Catch the attention of the waiter" draw in, retract - pull inward or towards a center; "The pilot drew in the landing gear"; "The cat retracted his claws" bring - attract the attention of; "The noise and the screaming brought the curious" curl up, curl, draw in - shape one's body into a curl; "She curled farther down under the covers"; "She fell and drew in" | |
27. | draw - thread on or as if on a string; "string pearls on a string"; "the child drew glass beads on a string"; "thread dried cranberries" string, thread guide, pass, run, draw - pass over, across, or through; "He ran his eyes over her body"; "She ran her fingers along the carved figurine"; "He drew her hair through his fingers" bead - string together like beads arrange, set up - put into a proper or systematic order; "arrange the books on the shelves in chronological order" wire - string on a wire; "wire beads" | |
28. | draw - stretch back a bowstring (on an archer's bow); "The archers were drawing their bows" pull back pull back - move to a rearward position; pull towards the back; "Pull back your arms!" stretch - pull in opposite directions; "During the Inquisition, the torturers would stretch their victims on a rack" | |
29. | draw - pass over, across, or through; "He ran his eyes over her body"; "She ran her fingers along the carved figurine"; "He drew her hair through his fingers" guide, pass, run rub - move over something with pressure; "rub my hands"; "rub oil into her skin" string, thread, draw - thread on or as if on a string; "string pearls on a string"; "the child drew glass beads on a string"; "thread dried cranberries" thread - pass through or into; "thread tape"; "thread film" thread - pass a thread through; "thread a needle" lead, run - cause something to pass or lead somewhere; "Run the wire behind the cabinet" | |
30. | draw - finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc.; "The teams drew a tie" tie equalise, equalize, equate, equal, match - make equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching; "let's equalize the duties among all employees in this office"; "The company matched the discount policy of its competitors" | |
31. | draw - contract; "The material drew after it was washed in hot water" change form, change shape, deform - assume a different shape or form pucker, rumple, cockle, crumple, knit - to gather something into small wrinkles or folds; "She puckered her lips" | |
32. | draw - reduce the diameter of (a wire or metal rod) by pulling it through a die; "draw wire" draw - flatten, stretch, or mold metal or glass, by rolling or by pulling it through a die or by stretching; "draw steel" draw - steep; pass through a strainer; "draw pulp from the fruit" thin - make thin or thinner; "Thin the solution" | |
33. | draw - steep; pass through a strainer; "draw pulp from the fruit" steep, infuse - let sit in a liquid to extract a flavor or to cleanse; "steep the blossoms in oil"; "steep the fruit in alcohol" draw - reduce the diameter of (a wire or metal rod) by pulling it through a die; "draw wire" | |
34. | draw - remove the entrails of; "draw a chicken" disembowel, eviscerate remove, take away, withdraw, take - remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract; "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment" | |
35. | draw - flatten, stretch, or mold metal or glass, by rolling or by pulling it through a die or by stretching; "draw steel" shape, form - give shape or form to; "shape the dough"; "form the young child's character" draw - reduce the diameter of (a wire or metal rod) by pulling it through a die; "draw wire" | |
36. | draw - cause to localize at one point; "Draw blood and pus" suppurate, mature - cause to ripen and discharge pus; "The oil suppurates the pustules" draw - cause to flow; "The nurse drew blood" localise, localize - restrict something to a particular area |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. sketch, design, outline, trace, portray, paint, depict, mark out, map out, delineate, do drawings Draw a rough design for a logo.
2. move, go, come, drive, travel, roll, advance, cruise, proceed, drift, glide She had seen the taxi drawing away.
4. close, shut, pull together, pull shut or closed After drawing the curtains, she lit a candle.
9. withdraw, take out Companies could not draw money from bank accounts as cash.
3. (Informal) appeal, interest, pull (informal), charm, attraction, lure, temptation, fascination, attractiveness, allure, magnetism, enchantment, enticement, captivation, temptingness The draw of India lies in its beauty.
draw back recoil, withdraw, retreat, shrink, falter, back off, shy away, flinch, retract, quail, start back I drew back with a horrified scream.
draw someone out persuade someone to talk, put someone at their ease Her mother tried to draw her out.
draw something out stretch out, prolong, continue, extend, lengthen, spin out, elongate, drag out, attenuate, protract, keep something going, make something go on She drew the speech out interminably.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
verb1. To exert force so as to move (something) toward the source of the force:
2. To cause (a liquid) to flow in a steady stream.Also used with off:
3. To remove (a liquid) by a steady, gradual process.Also used with off:
4. To obtain from another source:
5. To direct or impel to oneself by some quality or action:
6. To call forth or bring out (something latent, hidden, or unexpressed).Also used with out:
7. To make as income or profit:
bring in, clear, earn, gain, gross, net, pay, produce, realize, repay, return, yield.
8. To arrive at (a conclusion) from evidence or reasoning:
draw back
To move back in the face of enemy attack or after a defeat:
draw down phrasal verb
draw in
2. To involve (someone) in an activity:
draw out
To make or become longer:
draw up noun
1. The act of drawing or pulling a load:
2. An inhalation, as of a cigar, pipe, or cigarette:
3. The power or quality of attracting:
allure, allurement, appeal, attraction, attractiveness, call, charisma, charm, enchantment, enticement, fascination, glamour, lure, magnetism, witchery.
4. A dominating position, as in a conflict:
5. An equality of scores, votes, or performances in a contest:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
تَعادُل جاذِبِيَّه رسم سَحْبُ المُسَدَّس سَحْب اليانَصيب
kreslit remizovat zatáhnout táhnout upoutat
tegne trække trækning trækplaster tiltrække
allogi altiri dedukti desegni egalvenki
joonistama tuletama
arvonta piirtää tasapeli vetää draw
crtati završiti neodlučnim rezultatom
felvesz rajzol sorshúzás széthúz távolodik
lukis tarik undi
draga draga athygli draga fyrir/frá dráttur e-î sem trekkir
くじ 引き分ける 描く
(그림 등을)그리다 비기다 제비뽑기
atrakcionas burtų traukimas išsitempti išsitiesti ištempti
atrakcija attālināties atvilkt/aizvilkt beigties neizšķirti izvilkt
kresba kresliť nakresliť poberať remizovať
dvigniti igrati neodločeno izžrebati potegniti povleči
dra härleda lita på rita spela oavgjort
วาด ออกไปจาก เสมอ เสมอกัน ชัก
di chuyển hòa vẽ
[drɔː] (drew (vb: pt) (drawn (pp)))
5. (= sketch) [+ scene, person] → dibujar; [+ plan, line, circle, map] → trazar (fig) [+ situation] → explicar; [+ character] → trazar
to draw a picture → hacer un dibujo
to draw a picture of sb → hacer un retrato de algn
to draw the line at sth I draw the line at (doing) that → a (hacer) eso no llego
6. (= formulate) [+ conclusion] → sacar (from de)
to draw a comparison between A and B → comparar A con B
to draw a distinction → distinguir (between entre)
draw aside
draw away
draw back
draw down VT + ADV
1. (= pull down) [+ blind] → bajar
2. (fig) [+ blame, ridicule] → atraer
draw in
2. (= pull back in) [+ claws] → retraer
3. (= attract) [+ crowds] → atraer
draw off VT + ADV
draw on
draw out
1. (= take out) [+ handkerchief, money from bank] → sacar
to draw sb out (of his shell) (fig) → hacer que algn salga de sí mismo
2. (= prolong) [+ meeting etc] → alargar
3. (= lengthen) [+ wire] → estirar
draw together
draw up
draw upon VI + PREP
see draw on B
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
vb [drew] (pt) [drawn] (pp)
vi (= pass) [time] → avancer
draw out
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
1 pret <drew>, ptp <drawn>
2 vb: pret <drew>, ptp <drawn>
= move by pulling behind coach, cart → ziehen
= elicit her singing drew tears from the audience → ihr Singen rührte die Zuhörer zu Tränen; her singing drew tremendous applause from the audience → ihr Singen rief brausenden Beifall hervor; the play has drawn a lot of criticism → das Theaterstück hat viel Kritik auf sich (acc) → gezogen; to draw a smile/a laugh from somebody → jdm ein Lächeln/ein Lachen entlocken; my letter drew an angry reply from him → auf meinen Brief reagierte er mit einer ungehaltenen Antwort
? to be drawn (person) he refuses to be drawn (= will not speak) → aus ihm ist nichts herauszubringen; (= will not be provoked) → er lässt sich auf nichts ein; I won't be drawn on that issue → zu dem Thema möchte ich mich nicht äußern
= formulate conclusion, comparison → ziehen; distinction → treffen; you can draw whatever conclusion you like → du kannst daraus schließen, was du willst
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[drɔː] (drew (vb: pt) (drawn (pp)))
2. vt
e. (formulate, conclusion) to draw (from) → trarre (da), ricavare (da); (comparison, distinction) to draw (between) → fare (tra)
f. (Ftbl etc) to draw a match → pareggiare
draw aside
draw away
draw back
draw down
draw in
draw off vt + adv (siphon off) → spillare
draw on
draw out
2. vt + adv
a. (take out, handkerchief) → tirar fuori; (money from bank) → ritirare
to draw sb out (of his shell) (fig) → tirare qn fuori dal suo guscio
b. (prolong, meeting) → tirare per le lunghe
draw up
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(droː) – past tense drew (druː) : past participle drawn – verb1. to make a picture or pictures (of), usually with a pencil, crayons etc. During his stay in hospital he drew a great deal; Shall I draw a cow? skets, teken يَرْسُم рисувам desenhar (na)kreslit zeichnen tegne σχεδιάζω dibujar joonistama کشیدن؛ ترسیم کردن piirtää dessiner לְצָיֵיר चित्र बनाना crtati rajzol menggambar teikna disegnare 描く (연필, 색연필 등으로) 그림을 그리다 piešti zīmēt lukis tekenen tegne rysować رسمول desenhar a desena рисовать (na)kresliť risati slikati rita, teckna วาดภาพ çizmek 繪製 креслити; малювати تصویر بنانا vẽ 绘制
2. to pull along, out or towards oneself. She drew the child towards her; He drew a gun suddenly and fired; All water had to be drawn from a well; The cart was drawn by a pony. trek يَسْحَب дърпам puxar (vy)táhnout ziehen trække σύρω, τραβώ llevar tõmbama کشیدن vetää tirer לִמשוֹך, לְהוֹצִיא, לִשלוֹף खींचना izvući, privući (ki)húz; előránt menghela draga (upp) tirare, trainare; estrarre 引く 잡아 당기다, 퍼다, 끌다 traukti vilkt; pievilkt; izvilkt; smelt menghela trekken trekke, dra ciągnąć كش كول puxar a trage, a scoate приблизить; выхватывать; выкачивать; тянуть vytiahnuť, pritiahnuť, ťahať (po)vleči vući dra, tappa upp ดึง çekmek 拖,拉,提,汲(水) тягти; витягати اپنی طرف کھینچنا rút ra 拖,拉,提,汲
3. to move (towards or away from someone or something). The car drew away from the kerb; Christmas is drawing closer. trek, kom يَتَحَرَّك наближавам mover vzdalovat se; blížit se sich entfernen, sich nähern fjerne sig; nærme sig κινούμαι acercarse eemalduma, lähenema شدن siirtyä s'éloigner; s'approcher לְהִתקָרֵב बाहर निकालना približavati se távolodik; közeledik bergerak nálgast; fjarlægjast allontanarsi; avvicinarsi 動く 멀어지다, 다가오다 trauktis, artėti attālināties bergerak komen, gaan dra, nærme seg, fjerne seg odjechać, przybliżać się كيدل mover-se a se îndepărta, a se apropia отдаляться; приближаться vzdialiť sa; blížiť sa oddaljevati se; približevati se približiti se nalkas ลากออกไป yaklaşmak 開走,接近 наближатися, підходити کسی چیز کے قریب یا دور جانا kéo 开走
4. to play (a game) in which neither side wins. The match was drawn / We drew at 1–1. gelykopspel يَتعادَل свършвам наравно empatar remizovat unentschieden spielen spille uafgjort φέρνω ισοπαλία empatar viiki mängima مساوی کردن pelata tasapeli faire match nul לְסָיֵים בְּתֵיקוֹ बराबरी पर खेल खत्म होना igrati igru bez pobjednika döntetlent ér el seri gera jafntefli pareggiare 引き分ける 무승부를 이루다 sužaisti lygiosiomis beigties neizšķirti seri in gelijk spel eindigen spille uavgjort remisować يو شى كول empatar a face (un) meci nul сыграть вничью remízovať neodločeno igrati igrati nerešeno spela oavgjort เสมอ berabere kalmak, bitmek 打成平局 зводити гру внічию ایسا کھیل کھیلنا جس میں کوئی فریق نہیں جیتے hòa 打成平局
5. to obtain (money) from a fund, bank etc. to draw a pension / an allowance. onttrek يَسْحَبُ مالا тегля пари levantar pobírat in Anspruch nehmen trække; hæve εισπράττω cobrar (raha) välja võtma برداشت کردن nostaa retirer לִמשוֹך बैंक इत्यादि से रकम निकालना podići novac iz banke felvesz (pénzt stb.) menarik fá, hljóta ritirare, prelevare 引き出す (돈 등을) 인출하다 gauti saņemt (naudu u.tml.) mendapatkan trekken få utbetalt, heve pobierać را اخيستل levantar a obţine; a se alege cu получать poberať dvigniti podići novac få [ut], ta ut. erhålla ถอนเงิน çekmek, almak 領取 одержувати کسی فنڈ یا بینک سے مال نکالنا rút tiền 领取
6. to open or close (curtains). ooptrek, toetrek يَسْحَبُ ا��سِّتارَه дърпам correr roztáhnout; zatáhnout zu-, aufziehen trække fra; trække for ανοίγω, κλείνω τραβώντας descorrer ette tõmbama, eest ära tõmbama کشیدن avata tirer לְהָסִיט परदा इत्याद खोलना या बन्द करना razgrnuti zastore széthúz; összehúz menarik draga fyrir/frá tirare 引く (커튼을) 열다, 닫다 atitraukti atvilkt/aizvilkt (aizkarus) selak openen, dichtdoen trekke for/fra roz-/zasuwać خلاص كول يا تړل correr a trage раздвигать; задергивать roztiahnuť; zatiahnuť povleči navući dra för (undan, isär) เปิด หรือปิด (ม่าน) çekmek, kapamak 拉開(帘幕),關上(帘幕) запинати, завішувати پردے ہٹانا یا لگانا kéo rèm 拉开(幕),关上(幕)
7. to attract. She was trying to draw my attention to something. kry يَجْذِبُ привличам atrair přitáhnout, upoutat fesseln tiltrække προσελκύω atraer ligi tõmbama جذب کردن kiinnittää huomio attirer לְהָפנוֹת תְשוּמֵת לֵב आकर्षित करना privući vonz menarik draga athygli attirare ひきつける (주의를) 끌다 pritraukti piesaistīt (uzmanību) menarik perhatian trekken trekke til seg oppmerksomhet przyciągać جذبول atrair a atrage привлекать pritiahnuť pritegniti privući fästa, rikta, dra till sig ดึงดูดความสนใจ çekmek 引起 привертати توجہ دلانا thu hút sự chú ý 引起
noun1. a drawn game. The match ended in a draw. gelykopspel تَعادُل равенство empate remíza das Unentschieden uafgjort kamp ισοπαλία empate viik تساوی tasapeli match nul תיקו बराबरी पर खत्म हुआ खेल neriješena igra döntetlen seri jafntefli pareggio 引き分け 무승부 경기 lygiosios neizšķirta spēle seri gelijk spel uavgjort spill/kamp remis يو شى empate игра вничью remíza neodločena igra nerešeno oavgjord match เกมที่เสมอกัน beraberlik 平局 гра внічию, нічия برابری کا مقابلہ một trận đấu hòa 平局
2. an attraction. The acrobats' act should be a real draw. aantrekking, aantreklikheid جاذِبِيَّه атракция atração atrakce die Attraktion attraktion; trækplaster ατραξιόν atracción tõmbenumber گیرایی؛ جذبه vetonaula attraction משיכה आकर्षण atrakcija vonz(ó)erő daya tarik e-ð sem trekkir attrazione 呼びもの 인기 atrakcionas atrakcija; vilinājums daya tarik attractie attraksjon, trekkplaster atrakcja جذابتيا atracção гвоздь программы atrakcia privlačnost hit attraktion, dragplåster สิ่งดึงดูด gösteri 吸引觀眾 атракціон پر کشش thu hút sự chú ý 吸引观众
3. the selecting of winning tickets in a raffle, lottery etc. a prize draw. trekking سَحْب اليانَصيب теглене sorteio tah, slosování die Ziehung trækning; lodtrækning; -trækning κλήρωση sorteo loosimine قرعی کشی arvonta tirage הגרלה लाटरी, नम्बर निकलना izvlačenje nagrada sorshúzás penarikan dráttur (í happdrætti) estrazione くじ引き 제비 뽑기 loterijos lošimas, burtų traukimas lozēšana; loterija memilih trekking trekning losowanie قرعه كشى sorteio (ex)tragere розыгрыш žrebovanie žrebanje izvlačenje dragning สิ่งที่สุ่มดึงออกมา çekiliş, çekme 抽籤 жеребкування; лотерея قرعہ اندازي میں جیتنے والے ٹکٹ کا انتخاب کرنا rút thăm trúng thưởng 抽签
4. an act of drawing, especially a gun. He's quick on the draw. uitpluk سَحْبُ المُسَدَّس изваждане saque vytažení (zbraně) das Zeichnen det at trække en pistol τραβώ saque, desenvaine väljatõmbamine کشیدن veto dégainer vite שליפה खास कर बंदूक िनकालना izvlačenje pištolja hamar előrántja pisztolyát menarik það að draga upp byssu, bregða vopni (l'estrarre la pistola) 引き抜くこと (총 등을) 뽑기 traukimas []vilkšana melukis het trekken van een revolver drag, blås; slurk wydobycie broni راايستل arranque выхватывание tasenie (zbrane) potegljaj potezanje drag[ning] การดึง; การโก่ง çekme 繪畫 висмикування طمنچے وغیرہ کو چلانے کے لۓ نکالنا hành động rút cái gì đó 绘画
ˈdrawing noun(the art of making) a picture made with a pencil, crayon etc. the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci; I am no good at drawing. sketse رَسْم рисуване desenho kresba; kreslení die Zeichnung, das Zeichnen tegning σχέδιο dibujo joonistus, joonistamine نقاشی piirustus dessin ציור, שרטוט आरेखण, चित्रांकन, चित्रकारी crtanje rajz gambar teikning disegno 線画 스케치 piešinys, piešimas zīmēšana lukisan tekening tegning rysowanie, rysunek نقاشى desenho desen рисунок; рисование kresba risanje slika teckning ภาพวาด resim çizme, karakalem resim 繪圖,繪圖藝術 рисунок; рисування خاقہ کشی sự vẽ 图画
drawn adjective1. (of curtains) pulled together or closed. The curtains were drawn, although it was still daylight. toe getrek, oop getrek مَسْحوب спуснат fechado zatažený zugezogen trukket for τραβηγμένος, κλειστός cerrado ette tõmmatud کشیده vedetty kiinni fermé נגרר खिंचे हुए पर्दे navući zastore összehúzott (függöny) tertutup dreginn fyrir chiuso 引かれた (커튼 등이) 닫힌 užtrauktas (par aizkaru) aizvilkts tutup dicht trukket for zaciągnięty كش شوى fechado tras задёрнутый zatiahnutý spuščen navučen fördragen ดึงเข้ามา; ปิด çekili, çekilmiş (將帘幕)關上的 затягнутий کھنچے ہؤے پردے وغیرہ kéo rèm (幕布)拉在一起的
2. (of a game etc) neither won nor lost. a drawn match. gelykopspel مُتَعادِلَه равен empatado nerozhodný unentschieden uafgjort ισόπαλος empatado viikimängitud مساوی tasapeliin päättynyt nul תיקו बराबरी पर खत्म हुआ खेल इत्यादि neriješen meč (el)döntetlen (mérkőzés) seri jafntefli pareggiato 引き分けの 비긴 pasibaigęs lygiosiomis (par spēli) neizšķirts seri in gelijk spel eindigend uavgjort remisowy يو شى empatado nul закончившийся вничью nerozhodný neodločen nerešen oavgjord ที่เสมอกัน berabere 平局的 такий, що закінчився внічию برابری پر ختم مقابلہ hòa 平局的
3. (of a blade etc) pulled out of its sheath. a drawn sword. getrokke swaard مَسْحوب، مُسْتَل изваден desembainhado tasený gezogen trukket τραβηγμένος, έξω από τη θήκη desenvainado paljastatud آخته vedetty esiin à nu, au clair שָׁלוּף म्यान से निकाली गई तलवार इत्यादि isukan mač kihúzott (kard) terhunus brugðið (sverð) sguainato 抜かれた 칼집에서 뽑힌 nuogas (par nazi, zobenu) izvilkts tarik getrokken dradd, trukket obnażony را ايستل شوى desembainhado scos (din teacă) обнажённый tasený gol (meč) isukan dragen ชักออก çekilmiş 拔出鞘的 оголений خانے سے نکالا ہؤا خنجر وغیرہ rút gươm ra 拔出鞘的
4. (of a person) strained and tired. His face was pale and drawn. strak شاحِب ومُرهَق изморен abatido vyčerpaný verzerrt fortrukket καταβεβλημένος cansado, demacrado kuhtunud نحیف؛ رنجور väsynyt hagard מוּתָש थका-मान्दा आदमी uvučen megnyúlt, fáradt kelelahan herptur, grettur teso, contratto やつれた 긴장된, 굳은 išvargęs, sunykęs (par seju) izmocīts keletihan afgetrokken dradd, stram wymizerowany رنځور abatido supt вымотанный vyčerpaný upadel ispijen härjad, spänd ซูบซีด solgun, bitkin, yorgun 疲倦的 натягнутий; напружений تھکا ہوا mệt mỏi 疲倦的
ˈdrawback nouna disadvantage. There are several drawbacks to his plan. besware, nadele سَيِّئَه، نَقْص недостатък senão nedostatek die Schattenseite ulempe; minus μειονέκτημα inconveniente varjukülg نقطه ضعف haitta inconvénient מגרעת कमी, कमजोरी poteškoća hátrány kekurangan galli, ókostur inconveniente, svantaggio 欠点 결점 trūkumas trūkums kelemahan nadeel ulempe, uheldig side wada, strona ujemna د ضعف ټكى senão dezavantaj, inconvenient недостаток nedostatok, nevýhoda pomanjkljivost, slaba stran slaba strana nackdel, avigsida, hake ข้อเสียเปรียบ sakınca, mahzur 缺點 вада; дефект نقص ، خامی mặt hạn chế 缺点
ˈdrawbridge nouna bridge (at the entrance to a castle) which can be pulled up or let down. ophaalbrug جِسْر مُتَحَرِّك подвижен мост ponte levadiça padací most die Zugbrücke vindebro κρεμαστή γέφυρα puente levadizo tõstesild پل متحرک nostosilta pont-levis גֶשֶר זָחִיח खींच कर पुल को बंद करने वाला तख्ता pokretni most felvonóhíd jembatan kerek vindubrú ponte levatoio はね橋 도개교(跳開橋) pakeliamasis tiltas paceļamais tilts jambatan angkat ophaalbrug vindebru most zwodzony متحرك پل ponte levadiça pod mobil подъёмный мост padací most dvižni most pokretni most vindbrygga, sväng-, klaffbro สะพานชัก açılıp kapanabilen asma köprü 吊橋 розвідний міст اٹھواں پل جسے گرایا یا اٹھایا جا سکے cầu kéo 吊桥
ˈdrawing-pin noun(American ˈthumbtack) a pin with a broad, flat head used for fastening paper to a board etc. drukspyker دَبّوس кабърче percevejo připínáček die Reißzwecke tegnestift πινέζα chincheta rõhknael سوزن ته گرد nasta punaise נעץ ड्राइंग पिन pribadača za papir rajzszeg jarum pentul teiknibóla puntina da disegno 画びょう 압정 smeigtukas spraudīte; piespraude (papīram) paku tekan punaise tegnestift pinezka سنجاق pionês baiere, cordon канцелярская кнопка pripináčik risalni žebljiček rajsnegla häftstift หมุดหัวโตสำหรับกดกระดาษบนกระดาน raptiye 圖釘 кнопка для креслення کاغذ کو دباۓ رکھنے والا نکیلا بٹن یا پن đinh ấn 图钉
ˈdrawstring nouna cord threaded through the top of a bag etc for closing it. koord خَيط رَبْط الحَقائِب шнур corda zdrhovací šňůra die Zugschnur løbesnor κορδόνι περίσφιξης cordón krookpael بند کیسه kiristysnyöri cordon חוּט מְשִיכָה थैला आदि बंद करने की डोरी vrpca za vezanje otvora vreće zsinór tali kantung reyriþvengur, band, borði cordoncino, laccio 引きひも (자루, 의복 등의) 죄는 끈 užrišamoji virvelė savelkamā aukla tali kantung trekkoord snortrekk sznurek ściągający د بكس بند corda baiere, cordon шнурок sťahovacia šnúra vrvica vrpca za stezanje dragsnöre, -rem เชือกที่ร้อยตรงปลายถุงเพื่อใช้ปิดถุง büzgü ipi (提包的)封口繩 шнур, шнурівка بٹوے کی ڈوری جو کھینچ کر باندھی جاتی ہے dải rút (提包的)封口绳
draw a blankto be unsuccessful in a search, inquiry etc. teleurgesteld uitkom لا يُوَفَّق، يَفْشَل، لا يَنْجَح удрям на камък ficar a ver navios ztroskotat, utřít hubu kein Glück haben være resultatløs κάνω μια τρύπα στο νερό seguir sin saber algo tühjade kätega jääma نتیجه نگرفتن؛ ناکام ماندن epäonnistua etsinnässä échouer לְהַעֲלוֹת חֶרֶס בְּיָדוֹ खोज में नाकाम रहना biti neuspješan felkopik az álla tidak berhasil misheppnast, fá ekkert út úr fare fiasco 失敗に終る 허탕짚다 nieko nepešti neveikties gagal geen succes hebben være resultatløs szukać na próżno برى نه موندل ficar a ver navios a eşua потерпеть неудачу stroskotať, neuspieť ostati praznih rok doživeti potpuni neuspeh dra en nit[lott], kamma noll ล้มเหลว sonuç alamamak, bir yere varamamak 抽空籤,終於失敗,無回音 витягнути пустий білет تلاش وغیرہ میں نا کامیاب ہونا không ăn thua gì 抽空签,终于失败,一无所获
draw a conclusion fromto come to a conclusion after thinking about (what one has learned). Don't draw any hasty conclusions from what I've said! tot gevolgtrekking kom يَسْتَنْتِج، يَصِلُ إلى نَتيجَه стигам до заключение tirar uma conclusão vyvozovat důsledky/závěr z schlußfolgern drage en konklusion; konkludere βγάζω συμπέρασμα sacar una conclusión järeldust tegema نتیجه گیری کردن vetää johtopäätös jstk tirer une conclusion de לְהָגִיע לְמָסקָנָה नतीजा निकालना zaključiti következtetést levon menarik kesimpulan draga ályktun af trarre la conclusione 結論を引き出す 결론을 끌어내다 daryti išvadą izdarīt secinājumu kesimpulan een conclusie trekken trekke en konklusjon wyciągać wnioski نتيجه اخيستل tirar uma conclusão a trage o concluzie din делать выводы vyvodiť dôsledky sklepati izvući zaključak dra en slutsats av ลงความเห็น; สรุป bir sonuca varmak 根據...下結論 зробити висновок з чого اپنے علم کی بنا پر کسی نتیجے پر بہنچنا rút ra kết luận 由...得出结论
draw in(of a car etc) to come to a halt at the side of the road. intrek يوقِفُ السَّيّارَه спирам encostar zastavit u okraje anhalten køre ind til siden σταματώ στην άκρη του δρόμου llegar (teeservas) peatuma توقف کردن ajaa sivuun s'arrêter le long du trottoir לַעֲצוֹר בְּצָד הַכְּבִיש सड़क के किनारे रुक जाना zastati sa strane leáll berhen ti stöðva út við vegarbrún accostare 道端に寄って止まる (차가 도로가에) 정차하다 sustoti (prie kelio krašto) (par automašīnu) nobraukt ielas malā berhenti aan de kant van de weg stoppen kjøre til siden zatrzymać się دريدل encostar a opri (la marginea drumului) останавливаться у обочины zastaviť pri okraji ustaviti se (ob cesti) prići köra in, stanna จอดรถข้างถนน yolun kenarına yanaşmak (汽車)靠路邊停下 зупинитися سڑک کے کنارے رکنا ghé vào trạm nghỉ (汽车)靠路边停下
draw the lineto fix a limit especially for what one is prepared to do. trek 'n lyn, stel perke يُحَدِّد، يَرْسُمُ حَدّا разграничавам pôr limites stanovit hranici, vymezit die Grenze ziehen trække en grænse βάζω ένα όριο decir basta (a algo) piire seadma حد قائل شدن vetää raja fixer une limite לִקבוֹע גְבוּל सीमा तय करना postaviti granicu meghúzza a határt membuat batas setja sér takmörk fissare un limite 限界をおく 한계를 두다 nustatyti ribą, padėti tašką nospraust robežas (darbībai u.tml.) membuat batas een lijn trekken sette grense powiedzieć `dość` يو حد ټاكل pôr limites a nu sări peste cal поставить предел stanoviť hranicu določiti (si) mejo povući crtu dra gränsen จำกัด sınırlandırmak, sınır çizmek 劃一界線 провести межу حد قایم کرنا giới hạn 划一界线
draw/cast lotsto decide who is to do etc something by drawing names out of a box etc. Five of us drew lots for the two pop-concert tickets. trek يُجْري قُرْعَةً ( بواسِطَة سَحْب أسماء من عُلْبَه) тегля жребий tirar a sorte (vy)losovat Lose ziehen trække lod τραβώ κλήρο sortear, echar a suerte loosi tõmbama قرعه کشیدن arpoa henkilö tirer au sort לְהָפִּיל גוֹרָל कार्य निर्धारित करना odabrati nekoga izvlačenjem slamke sorsot húz mengundi draga um, henda upp á tirare a sorte くじを引く 제비를 뽑아 결정하다 traukti burtus lozēt menentukan strootje trekken trekke/kaste lodd losować, ciągnąć losy قرعه كشى كول tirar à sorte a trage la sorţi тянуть жребий vyžrebovať žrebati izvlačiti imena dra/kasta lott จับสลาก kura çekmek 抽籤 тягти жеребки قرعہ اندازی سے کسی چیز کا فیصلہ کرنا rút thăm 抽签
draw offto pour out (liquid) from a large container. The barman drew off a pint of beer. aftrek يَصُبُّ наливам tirar stáčet abzapfen tappe αντλώ sacar (vedelikku) joosta laskma ریختن kaataa tirer לִשפּוֹך किसी बड़े बरतन से कोई तरल ढालना natočiti lefejt menuangkan hella úr cavare 注ぐ (액체 등을) 따라내다 nupilti noliet (šķidrumu) tuang tappen tappe utoczyć اچول، تويول tirar a turna нацеживать stáčať natočiti odliti tappa upp ถ่ายเทออก çekmek 汲出(啤酒),放掉(水等液體) націдити کسی بڑے برتن سے سیال کو ڈھالنا rút ra 放掉(水等液体)
draw onto use (money, strength, memory etc) as a source. I'll have to draw on my savings. onttrek يَعْتَمِد على، يَسْتَقي من използвам пари recorrer a sáhnout zurückgreifen auf trække på αντλώ από recurrir a (millelegi) toetuma استفاده کردن turvautua faire appel à לְהִשתָמֵש ב-כְּמָקוֹר स्रोत के रूप में धन, शक्ति, स्मृति इत्यादि का उपयोग करना posegnuti u merít (vmből); hozzányúl (pénzéhez) menggunakan láta reyna á, taka af ricorrere ~にたよる (돈 등을) 사용하다 naudoti(s), remtis ķerties pie menggunakan putten uit trekke på, belaste, disponere, øse av naruszyć, czerpać z, korzystać z ګټه اخيستل recorrer a a apela la использовать siahnuť črpati osloniti se tillgripa, ta av, ösa ur ใช้ความคิด; ใช้เงิน kullanmak 憑著(記憶) витрачати قوت ، مال ، یادداشت وغیرہ کو وسیلے کے طور پر استعمال کرنا rút tiền ra 凭借
draw on1. to pull on. He drew on his gloves. aantrek يَسْحَبُ свалям vestir navléci si anziehen tage på φορώ meterse, ponerse (kätte) tõmbama پوشیدن pukea enfiler לַעֲטוֹת खींचना, खींच कर निकालना navući felhúz memakai setja á sig, fara í infilarsi 着る (장갑을) 끼다 uþ(si)tempti, uþ(si)traukti uzvilkt; uzaut memakai aantrekken ta/trekke på seg naciągać اغوستل vestir a(‑şi) pune натягивать navliecť si natakniti (si) navući dra på [sig] สวม çekerek giymek 戴上,穿上 натягувати, надягати پہننا đeo găng 戴上,穿上
2. to come nearer. Night drew on. Kom nader يَقْتَرِبُ приближавам aproximar-se přiblížit se sich nähern falde på πλησιάζω meterse, ponerse lähenema نزدیک شدن؛ فرا رسیدن lähestyä approcher לְהִתקָרֵב निकट आना prikrasti se felhúz mendekat nálgast avvicinarsi 近づく (시간 따위가) 다가오다 artëti tuvoties mendekat naderen nærme seg zbliżać się نږدې كيدل aproximar-se a se apropia приближаться priblížiť sa približati se približiti se nalkas, närma sig เข้ามาใกล้ทีละน้อย yaklaşmak 接近 просуватися قریب پہنچنا tới gần 接近
draw out1. to take (money) from a bank. I drew out $40 yesterday. onttrek يَسْحَبُ مالا изтеглям retirar vyzvednout abheben tage ud σηκώνω, κάνω ανάληψη sacar välja võtma برداشت کردن nostaa retirer לִמשוֹך כֶּסֶף बैंक आदि से रूपया लेना podići novac iz banke kivesz (pénzt bankból) menarik taka út prelevare 引き出す (돈을) 인출하다 paimti iš banko izņemt (naudu no bankas) keluarkan opnemen ta ut, gjøre et uttak podejmować پيسى راخيستل levantar a scoate брать vybrať dvigniti (denar) podići iz banke ta ut ถอนเงินจาก çekmek (從銀行)取錢 знімати بینک سے مال نکالنا rút tiền (从银行)取钱
2. to make longer. We drew out the journey as much as we could but we still arrived early. uit rek يُمَدِّدُ، يُطيلُ удължавам esticar prodloužit ausdehnen trække ud επιμηκύνω, παρατείνω alargar (pikemaks) venitama طولانی کردن pidentää faire durer לְהַאֲרִיך फैलाना या बढ़ाना produljiti elnyújt, elhúz memperpanjang draga á langinn, lengja allungare, protrarre 延長する (여행을 오래 끌다 ištęsti, užtęsti pagarināt; paildzināt memperpanjang rekken trekke/hale/tøye ut wydłużać اوږدول esticar a lungi затягивать predĺžiť razvleči produžiti dra ut på, förlänga ยืดออกไป uzatmak 拉長 продовжувати طویل بنانا trở nên dài hơn 拉长
3. (of a car etc) to move into the middle of the road from the side. uittrek يَدْخُل نَحْوَ مَرْكِز الشّارِع люшкам се mudar de pista rozjet se einfahren trække ind βγαίνω στο δρόμο salir sõiduteele välja sõitma بیرون کشیدن siirtyä keskelle tietä démarrer לְהִשתָלֵב בַּתנוּעָה एक किनारे से हटा कर कार इत्यादि को सड़क के मध्य में लाना pomaknuti se na sredinu ceste kihúz menjalankan aka inn að miðju spostarsi nella corsia centrale 出ていく (자동차를) 움직이기 시작하다 įvažiuoti į kelio vidurį (par automašīnu) ieņemt vidējo joslu tengah-tengah in het midden gaan rijden svinge ut, kjøre ut wyjeżdżać باندى رايسنل mudar de pista a reintra în trafic выезжать на середину дороги rozbehnúť sa speljati (na cesto) izaći na put köra ut ดึงออกมา yol kenarından ayrılmak 使汽車從邊上移向路中央 виводити سڑک کے کنارے سے بیچ میں آنا đi vào giữa đường 使汽车从边上移向路中央
draw up1. (of a car etc) to stop. We drew up outside their house. stilhou يوقِفُ لسَّيّارَه спирам parar zastavit (se) halten standse op σταθμεύω, σταματώ detenerse, pararse ette sõitma متوقف کردن pysähtyä arrêter לַעֲצוֹר निश्चित स्थान पर आना और रूक जाना parkirati se megáll (kocsi) berhenti nema staðar fermarsi 止まる (차를) 멈추다 sustoti (par automašīnu) piebraukt; apstāties berhenti stilhouden stanse foran zatrzymywać درول parar a (se) opri останавливаться zastaviť (sa) ustaviti (se) zaustaviti stanna หยุด; เข้าไปจอด yanaşıp durmak 使汽車停住 зупинятися گاڑی یا سواری وغیرہ کا رکنا dừng lại 使汽车停住
2. to arrange in an acceptable form or order. They drew up the soldiers in line; The solicitor drew up a contract for them to sign. op trek يُرَتِّب، يُنَظِّم подреждам arranjar seřadit; připravit aufstellen, aufsetzen stille op; udforme συντάσσω alinear, disponer; redactar, preparar rivistama, koostama تدوین کردن؛ مرتب کردن järjestää aligner, dresser לְאָרגֵן किसी स्वीकार्य क्रम में तरतीब देना poredati, urediti elrendez mengatur setja saman, útbúa allineare, schierare; stendere 整える (군일을) 정렬시키다, (문서 등을) 작성하다 sustatyti, surašyti, parengti nostādīt ierindā; noformēt (dokumentu); sastādīt (sarakstu) mengatur opstellen stille opp; opprette ustawiać, sporządzać مرتب كول arranjar a aranja; a înlocui выстраивать; составлять zoradiť; pripraviť razvrstiti, sestaviti sastaviti ställa upp [på led], avfatta, utarbeta จัดให้เรียบร้อย düzenlemek, hazırlamak 草擬,整隊 вишиковувати; складати معتبر شکل یا ترتیب میں رکھنا dàn quân; thảo văn kiện 草拟,整队
3. to move closer. Draw up a chair! nader trek يُقَرِّب، يَسْحَبُ نَحْوَهُ притеглям aproximar přitáhnout heranziehen flytte nærmere; rykke nærmere φέρνω κοντά acercar lähemale tõmbama نزدیک کشیدن siirtää lähemmäs approcher לְקָרֵב निकट आना privući odahúz (széket asztalhoz) mendekatkan flytja nær avvicinare, avvicinarsi 引き寄せる (의자 등을) 끌어 당기다 pri(si)traukti pievilkt mendekatkan bijtrekken flytte/rykke/dra nærmere przysuwać نږدې كيدل aproximar a apropia пододвигать(ся) pritiahnuť približati privući dra närmare ดึงเข้ามาใกล้ yaklaştırmak, yakına getirmek 靠近 підсунути قریب لانا kéo lại gần 靠近
4. to extend (oneself) into an upright position. He drew himself up to his full height. op trek يَرْفَعُ قامَتَه، يَنْتَصِب изправям се endireitar-se vytáhnout (se) aufrichten rette sig op στήνομαι enderezarse (end) sirgu ajama صاف ایستادن pidentää redresser לְהִתרוֹמֵם सीधे खड़ा होना ispraviti se kihúzza magát menegakkan rétta úr sér alzarsi 背をのばす 벌떡 일어서다 iš(si)tiesti, iš(si)tempti izstiepties (pilnā augumā) menegakkan oprichten rette seg (helt) opp wyprostować się راست دريدل endireitar-se a (se) ridica выпрямиться vytiahnuť (sa) vzravnati se uspraviti räta på sig, resa sig [upp] ยืนขึ้นตรง kendini çekip dikleşmek 站立起來 виструнчитися; підтягтися اپنے آپ کو سیدھ رکھنا đứng thẳng đơ 站立起来
long drawn outgoing on for a long time. The meeting was long drawn out; a long-drawn-out meeting/scream. uitgerek طويلَة الأمَد، اسْتَمَرَّت طَويلا продължава много време prolongado nekonečný hinausziehen trække ud παρατεταμένος prolongado pikaleveninud طولانی شدن venynyt interminable לְהִמָשֵך זְמָן רַב लंबा खींचना potrajati dugo vremena hosszan elhúzódó berkepanjangan teygður, endalaus interminabile, 長びいた 길게 이어지는 užsitęsęs, pratisas ieildzis jangka yang lama langgerekt langtrukken, langvarig przeciągnięty (w czasie) اوږديدل prolongado interminabil затяжной nekonečný brez konca produžen långdragen ยืดยาว uzamış 持續了很長時間 розтягнутий بہت دیر تک جاری رہنا diễn ra trong một khoảng thời gian dài 持续了很长时间
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ يَتَعَادَلُ مَعْ, يَرْسُمُ, يَنْكِصُ kreslit, remizovat, táhnout (se) bevæge sig, spille uafgjort med, tegne unentschieden spielen, Verlosung, zeichnen είμαι ισόπαλος, ζωγραφίζω, κινούμαι dibujar, empatar, mover, moverse arvonta, päättyä tasapeliin, piirtää dessiner, finir à égalité, indiquer crtati, završiti neodlučnim rezultatom avvicinarsi, disegnare, pareggiare くじ, 引き分ける, 描く (그림 등을)그리다, 비기다, 제비뽑기 gelijk spelen, tekenen, weggaan medføre, tegne, trekning losowanie, naszkicować, zremisować afastar-se, desenhar, desenho, empatar, ir embora движется, рисовать, сводить вничью dra, rita, spela oavgjort เสมอกัน, วาด, ออกไปจาก berabere kalmak, çekiliş, çizmek di chuyển, hòa, vẽ 打平手, 画, 行进Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
vt. extraer, sacar; [air] aspirar; [art] dibujar, trazar;
to ___ back → retroceder;
to ___ in → atraer; incitar;
to ___ near → acercarse, arrimarse.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
- Could you draw me a map with directions? (US)
Can you draw me a map with directions? (UK) → هَلْ يـُمْكِنُكَ أَنْ تَرْسُمَ لي خَرِيطَةً مَعْ تَوْجيهاتٍ؟ → Můžete mi nakreslit mapu s pokyny? → Kan du tegne et kort med instruktioner? → Können Sie mir aufzeichnen, wie ich gehen muss? → Μπορείτε να μου σχεδιάσετε έναν χάρτη με οδηγίες; → ¿Puede dibujarme un plano con las indicaciones? → Voisitteko piirtää kartan ohjeineen? → Vous pouvez me dessiner une carte avec des indications ? → Možete li mi nacrtati kartu? → Mi può disegnare una cartina con le indicazioni? → 道順を示す地図を書いてもらえますか? → 방향 약도를 그려 주시겠어요? → Kunt u een kaart met de routebeschrijving voor me uittekenen? → Kan du tegne et kart med anvisninger for meg? → Czy mógłby mi Pan narysować mapę z zaznaczeniem kierunków? → O senhor pode me desenhar um mapa com as direções? → Не могли бы Вы нарисовать схему движения? → Kan ni rita en karta med vägbeskrivning? → คุณวาดแผนที่บอกทิศทางให้ฉันได้ไหม? → Yol tarifini çizebilir misiniz? → Bạn làm ơn vẽ giúp tôi bản đồ với hướng dẫn cụ thể được không? → 您能给我画一张路线图吗?
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n extracción f; blood — extracción de sangre; You need to go to the laboratory for a blood draw ..Tiene que ir al laboratorio para que le saquen sangre; vt (pret drew; pp drawn) to — blood sacar sangre, extraer sangre (form)
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
How to Draw a Man Shooting a Baseball
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