How Many Feet of Garland Do You Neef to Wrap a Tomato Cage
Decorating your home for the holiday season is part of the magic that is Christmas. Taking that decor outdoors is a perfect way to welcome guests into your home for the holidays. I created this DIY Christmas topiary from a tomato cage and a few other simple supplies. It is a simple, low-cost project that adds just that little bit of extra holiday cheer!
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Just one topiary would be a great accent for your home, but because I planned to put these on either side of my porch columns, I need to make two.
The supplies needed for each topiary are:
- A garden tomato cage
- A bucket
- Two, 9-foot long artificial green garlands
- Pine cones
How to build the Christmas topiary:
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Step 1: WRapping garland
The tomato cage I selected was a simple, 3-foot tall model. The first step in turning it into a Christmas topiary is to wind the garland around the frame of the tomato cage. It is very easy to do this: Place the cage on the ground with the wide, round end at the bottom. Take one of the lengths of artificial garland and loop it around the metal frame of the cage. I did this in a few spots on each row of the garland, beginning at the bottom and working my way up to the top.
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Step 2: Next Layer
Once the first layer is done, move onto the next layer. Make sure that you push the layers closely together so that nothing shows through.
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One 9-foot garland got me almost halfway up the cage. Because the top is narrower, I knew the second garland would be the perfect amount. When winding the garland, be sure to pull tightly. This benefits the appearance of the topiary and helps it last and not fall apart.
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When I finished, I had a great Christmas tree shape at a fraction of the cost of a pre-made topiary this size.
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Step 3: Spruce with decorations
I wanted to add just a little sparkle to my topiary, so I decided to use glittered pine cones. You can purchase these already glittered, or put the glitter on them yourself. Another fun option would be to add Christmas lights to the topiary and really make it shine. Decorating it with ornaments and using it as a Christmas tree in a smaller space is a great option as well.
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Although the tomato cage is not very sturdy, leaving it as is could work. However, I was worried that because it would be outside, a stronger wind could topple it over.
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I created both trees and then wedged them into the buckets, which helps keep them secure and standing upright. The buckets also add another design element. I prefer to decorate with a rustic feel and this blends in very well.
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I set them outside and they are the perfect addition to my outdoor space!
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If you have an outdoor space and it does not get very cold, decorating that area for the holiday season is a fun way to expand your entertaining space. It also creates the feeling of a well thought-out and styled home. I adore welcoming family and friends this time of year, and creating a front porch to greet them and enhance the warm and cozy feel is nice.
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These taller Christmas topiaries can get pricey if purchased in a store. Thinking outside of the box and creating them yourself will save on the cost overall, allowing for even more Christmas decorations, gifts or delicious food to entertain your guests!
How Many Feet of Garland Do You Neef to Wrap a Tomato Cage
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